
Showing posts from February, 2020


1. What part of town does Nick live and how does he describe it? 2. How closely related is Nick to Daisy? 3. What is Tom hiding from Doctor Eckelburg? 4. What was Toms gift to Mrs.Wilson? 5. Who did Nick see at Gatsbys party? 6. What did Jordan do at the golf tournament? 7. What did Daisy do before her event? 8. What happened in the World Series of 1919?

Gatsby chap 4

People talking about gatsby while enojoying his things  Nick kept a record of the guests and talked about them Old sport  Nick doesn’t believe gatsby Nick makes racist comments  Gatsbys friends are shady Wolfshiem fixed the World Series Daisy got drunk right before her wedding 

Gatsby 27-

Toms mistress is Toms friends wife  The mistress is Wildin They decide to get a dog together  Nick got drunk with Tom Ectoplasm = ghost      Continuesd

Gatsby pages 11-25

“Picture groaning on the wall” what’s is the feeling in that room  The characters are talking in an exaggerated way  His name is nick carraway  Wan - pail  Daisy is not present, aways looking forward  Gatety- not happy but faking it  The characters have everything but do not seem content  Daisy said the best thing a girl can be is a beautiful fool “Don’t believe anything you hear “ There’s rumors about nick already