
Showing posts from October, 2019

The road not taken


A dream within a dream

A doubt I ended up with at the end of the poem was at the end the author asked “But a dream within a dream?”. It sounds like he was having a dream and waking up into his “day dream” . This reminds me how people argue on that we live simulation or are here for some sort of reason

Young old good bad

Stephen king could have been inspired by this author by the of using our imagination and changing  the word to be able to get different meanings or different ideas. This helps because it widens range of people following his story line.

The world on the turtles back

Myths are always a good way of entertainment it converts dreams or interests into a story. Humans I think need this type of story telling to be able to get a better meaning and also entertainment. Also at one point at way of communication for example the natives turning events into   mythical stories or dances.

Improving my writing

I struggle to get my ideas into formal writing, I find it difficult to full fill writing expectations or formats. It is common for teachers to ask for a response to a topic or some sort of writing they want you to restate, tell your response, give a reason why and another reason. I somewhat get why they want that but for me it’s too much dressing up, so when I write I go straight to the point and find it difficult to add details. But now I try to improve and practice by slowing down and thinking about what I am writing.